So it’s on and perhaps you’re searching for a hypnotherapist in Wymondham for yourself, a friend or loved one. Perhaps you’d like to book a hypnotherapy appointment, a free consultation or are just interested to find out exactly how hypnotherapy can help you.
I’m sure you’ll find all the answers within these pages, but if you do have any questions or wish to book either a free consultation or hypnotherapy appointment please do not hesitate to make contact. and thank you for taking the time to visit Wymondham Hypnotherapy FREE CONSULTATION
Wymondham Hypnotherapy
How We Can Help
It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious, fearful, or worried in certain situations but when a continuous feeling of anxiety prevents you from doing the things you want to do and has a negative impact on your everyday life then you may have an anxiety disorder.
A phobia is an extreme fear of, or aversion to, an activity, place, animal or insect, object, person, or a given situation, which in turn has a detrimental impact to the way you behave or operate in your daily life.
Having a poor opinion of yourself, low self-esteem or lack of confidence can often derive from childhood. Perhaps something didn’t go according to plan? Maybe, a teacher, parent or friend said you weren’t very good at something, or you didn’t look good in what you were wearing.
Stress is the body’s automatic response to mental or emotional pressure. It’s sometimes called a fight or flight response where the bodies stress hormone levels increase due to a real or perceived threat. Stress alone is not considered an illness but if stress levels remain higher than normal for a long period of time it can lead to anxiety and depression.
Friendly & Approachable Practise operating in Wymondham for over 10 years.
Most of the clients I see are referrals from either previous or existing clients. I believe there can be no better evidence for successful hypnotherapy than a referral or recommendation.
Professional Memberships
I am a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), the largest not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional associations in the UK
Paul Barratt
Hypnotherapy and client success has become my passion. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the positive changes people make through the hypnotherapy sessions we have together.
I have regular sessions to help me cope with ongoing health issues, sleep issues and general relaxation. Paul has a very soothing and calming voice. I feel like I'm walking on air each time I come out and the wonderful relaxed feeling stays with me. I cannot recommend Paul highly enough!
Paul works wonders! He always tells me that my success is down to me but without him I know I wouldn't have moved forward
WOW, Paul is fantastic. Even after the first session, I felt so much more relaxed and able to cope. I was sleeping better and had no panic attacks.
I can never thank Paul enough for how he has helped me manage and control my anxiety
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
I’m sure you’ll find all the answers within these pages, but if you do have any questions or wish to book either a free consultation or hypnotherapy appointment please do not hesitate to make contact.